Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I thought I hit "Publish" Last Night.......

I'm going to be on the radio.  Yep, dad and I were interviewed this morning for an upcoming segment on "Arkansas Cooks with Mary Twedt".  Are you familiar with this program?  If not, check out her webpage here. 

I've gotta say that when she put down that digital recorder on the table this morning, I immediately began to fear that the sentences my brain would put together would not sound like the industry "expert" that I like to believe that I am.  Sure, I don't know much about equipment compared to dad.......I'm more of a gadget girl, but I know my china and my cutlery.  I know the difference between the different can openers we have in the store, and I can talk to coworkers and customers about these things intelligently on a daily basis.  Why is it that a small recorder on the table causes me to worry about this?  Perhaps it has something to do with the way I sound when recorded.  I really hate recording voice mail messages because when I hear the playback the voice coming out of the phone sounds nothing like I sound in my head.  

So now we wait until the segments air.......and although dad says we presented her with plenty of useful information, I still suspect that I could have done better.

Anyone want to know about the new Wusthof Pro line of knives?  We just got them in at the store, and I'm pretty much up to speed on the entire line and would love to educate you..... no recordings though :)

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