Friday, March 18, 2011

Tom's (Or How I Made My Daughter Cry)

Mk's birthday is coming up next week.  When I asked her what she wants, she replied new Tom's and iTunes gift cards.  I can't imagine that my list were that short at the age of 12!  She brings up the subject of Tom's to me at least once a day for the past two weeks.  She spends time on the Tom's webpage looking for just the right pair.  She talks on the phone with her friends about which styles the like best.  We've gone to Gene Lockwood's a couple of times to check out their selection.

I've told her that I really don't think that she needs a new pair.  She got a pair for Christmas from her Aunt Eve, and they're still in good shape.  I've told her that it seems silly to get another pair so soon, but still she insists this is the thing she really wants.

Last week she found a pair online that she loves.  She emailed me a link so that I could simply order them for her birthday, and I finally told her that I would consider it.  I had been going back and forth about whether I wanted a pair or not, so we headed to Gene Lockwood's on Wednesday so that I could try some on.  I figured if they had the ones that she wanted, we would just go ahead and get them while we were there.  They did not.  Apparently the website offers some exclusive designs that the stores never get, and this pair was on that list.  The Gabe Lacktman Cross Hairs: shoes that 12 year old dreams are made of.

When we got home that night, I placed the order online for her shoes.  I've continued to tell her that I'm not sure if I will be getting her Tom's or not.  I figured surprising her with her gift was a great plan.  Then the situation changed.  She came into my room to announce that the shoes of her dreams had been moved to the "Last Chance" page earlier this week.  She called me yesterday to tell me that the site listed her size as the only size available.  I had to decide whether I wanted to tell her she's getting the shoes, or continue with the surprise plan.  I told her that I had something wonderful planned for her birthday, but Tom's were not part of this surprise.  

Then, last night, she tells Jonathan and I that the shoes have sold out.......and starts tearing up.  I felt horrible.    She sends me links for new styles that she likes, and I tell her again that she really will be pleased with her gift I've purchased.  She asks why she has to wait, and I tell her that she has to wait until her actual birthday.  Thank goodness the fine folks at Tom's Shoes emailed me tracking information this morning.  The shoes should arrive on the day that I will celebrate 12 wonderful years with my sweet Mk.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Maggie May

In early 1998, Matt and I drove with our friends Ken and Kristi to Malvern to look at some puppies.  I had been checking the paper for weeks looking for a Yorkie puppy, but quickly realized that a $400 puppy wasn't really in our budget.  I had found an ad for Yorkie/ Shih Tzu mix puppies for $75, and was thrilled to learn that one of the little girls was tan and resembled the mom more than the others.  The puppies were born on January 5, 1998, and we met Maggie when she was about 8 weeks old.
Maggie, March 1998
She was a wonderful little puppy.  She didn't even mind being banned from furniture when MK was born, although she did go through a few stubborn periods where she would sneak onto the couch and refuse to leave when I found her.

Mk & Maggie's first snow.  Jan '00
When she was younger, she amazed me with how fast her little legs could run.  She developed an underbite that was quite noticeable to anyone that met her.  As she grew older, she lost a few teeth and developed arthritis in her back which slowed her down and caused her some discomfort when having to climb up the one or two steps into our back door.

Such a good sport.  She loved Mk, but not the trampoline
We found Maggie asleep in her box when we returned home from work last night.  We buried her last night.  She will be missed by us, but Sadie really seems to be lost without her.  I listened to her walk around the house without resting for several hours this morning.  She seems unsure what she should do without Maggie.  She is sleeping currently on their dog bed, but has kept to her side of the bed.  She seems to be waiting for Maggie, and it breaks my heart...... such a sweet puppy.

Sweet Sadie
It's amazing how much love we receive from our pets.  I lived with Maggie for 13 years.  Since leaving my parent's home for college, I have not shared a living space with anyone else for that length of time.  She was a wonderful companion.  I will remember her always, and am grateful for the years that we had together.

Maggie 1998- 2011